Together we can make this World better

About Us

Our goal to empower individuals and families locally and internationally.

Welcome to Give4Needy Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the lives of underprivileged children with disabilities. We are on a mission to provide support and opportunities for those in need. From supplying Perkins Brailler typewriters to visually impaired kids, to ensuring the education and well-being of children previously engaged in begging or street work, we strive to break barriers and empower every child. Additionally, our commitment extends to providing artificial limbs to amputees and essential mobility aids to special needs children from underprivileged families. Join us in creating a more inclusive and compassionate world where every child can thrive.



When you sponsor a child for $50 a month, you’ll help empower that child.

Funds donated is used to address any and all kinds of issues in assisting children with disabilities. By providing Education, Physical therapy, Speech therapy, Occupational therapy, Vocational therapy, Behavior Modification, Music therapy, Psychiatrist and Doctor visits at AlRozan. We provide free pickup/drop to children from their door step and provide assistance to families, together we are able to give special children and their families the resources they need to grow.


Visually Impaired




Made by Special Hand